Boarding School
Every boarding school is unique, offering a variety of education pathways and extracurriculars.

Sevenoaks School
1200 students
50,757 GBP per annum
1 hour from London

Radley College
768 students
All boys
ICGSE and A Levels
44,550 GBP per annum
1.5 hours from London

Abingdon School
1,070 students
All boys
IGCSE and A Levels
47,880 GBP per annum
1.5 hours from London

Caterham School
1000 students
GCSE and A Levels
Year 9 to 13: 45,945 GBP per annum
Sixth form: 45,945 GBP per annum
1 hour from London

Headington Rye Oxford
817 students
All girls
GCSE and A Levels
Upper 3 to 5: 41,361 GBP per annum
Sixth form: 45,321 GBP per annum
1.25 hours from London

Cardiff Sixth Form College
405 students
IGCSE and A Levels
52,000 GBP per annum
1.5 hours from London

Shrewsbury School
840 students
IGCSE and A Levels
46,392 GBP per annum
3.5 hours from London

Bromsgrove School
966 students
GCSE, IB, A Levels and BTECs
45,120 GBP per annum
2.5 hours from London

National Mathematics
and Science College
137 students
Pre A level Programme 1 Year, 2 Year A level Programme, 1 Year A level Fast Track Programme
45,897 GBP per annum
2 hours from London

d’Overbroeck’s School
744 students
GCSE and A Levels
International School: 53,025 GBP per annum
Sixth form: 51,765 GBP per annum
1.5 hours from London

St. Andrew’s College
147 students
IGCSE and A Levels
45,000 GBP per annum
1.5 hours from London

Oxford International College
350 students
IGCSE and A Levels
51,000 GBP per annum
1.25 hours from London