Our site is now revamped!
PrepWorks has a whole new look! Over the past 5 years, we’ve learned a lot while working with students to realise their dreams of attending a top university. PrepWorks aims to establish a methodology that will hold true to time – one that will be able to apply to not only students who want to enter top universities, but for those who want to succeed in school and beyond.
Therefore, we have established the PrepWorks Method, a holistic approach to helping students establish key skills and characteristics we find are vital to thrive in this ever changing landscape. We have identified three pillars of development: Academic, Character and Skills Development, you can read all about it here.
To match this, we have also rebranded to reflect our new website and philosophy. We hope that navigating through our site is much easier and that you are able to get all the information you need. Please do not hesitate to send us a comment if you feel that there are certain areas that can be improved.